Party members of the company went to Huoshan to carry out theme education Party (league) day activities

时间:2023-11-29Source: Organization Personnel Department

  为深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,持续开展党史学习教育和革命传统教育。On November 29, the provincial Cultural Investment Company organized all party members, discipline inspection and supervision cadres and youth league members to go to the theme Party Day education base of Huoshan County Party School in Lu 'an City to carry out red education activities with the theme of "Revisiting the momentous years and inheriting red genes"。

  Anhui Red Area Center Memorial Hall in Dabie Mountain,Visit the "Preface Hall" in turn,Red Center "" Hard fight,The red flag is flying. "" Common hatred,Brave resistance against Japan "" thousands of miles forward,Take the deer to the Central Plains.,Long red source "" Red heritage,Green Development "seven theme exhibition areas,Review the glorious course of the revolutionary struggle in western Anhui。

  On the Foziling Dam, the first dam in New China, Deng Benxia, a teacher from the Party School of Huoshan County Party Committee, gave a vivid party lesson with the theme of "Upholding the people first and never forgetting the three", and told about the construction background, construction process and great historical significance of Foziling Reservoir。Educate and guide all Party members to inherit and carry forward the revolutionary tradition of revolutionary ancestors who braved difficulties and fought hard, and enhance the cohesion of unity and forge ahead and the combat effectiveness of doing business。

  next,Provincial cultural investment company Party committee will continue to deepen the theme of education results,Lead all party members, cadres and workers to deeply understand the decisive significance of "two establishment",Resolutely achieve "two maintenance",To 踔厉, diligent, diligent responsibility,Strive to achieve tangible results in learning to cast soul, learning to increase wisdom, learning to correct wind, and learning to promote dry。